Aquarium plants are great additions to any tank. They help remove bad waste and bacteria, they aid in creating a natural environment for your fish, and they add a splash of green to any hardscape. However, its frustrating walking into the store and picking up a plant only to have it turn into brown mush after planting. I've listed the top three aquarium plants that are near impossible to kill below. Happy 'scaping!
1. All Species of Anubias
Named after the Egyptian God Anubis, this aquatic plant is a shade lover. The plant requires very little nutrients and it prefers to very simply be dropped into a tank, or tied to rock/wood. After that, you can basically leave it alone! Anubias works great as a feature plant in a large tank, because of its size potential. However, different species of anubias allow it to remain a small accent plant, perfect for making fake trees or burying into the crevices of the aquascape.
2. Cryptocoryne Wendtii
Crypts are a popular aquarium plant readily available in local U.S. Pet Store chains such as PetSmart and Petco. To some, crypts may seem hard to keep. This is because they can melt and turn to mush when transferred to different water conditions. However, this period is just an adjustment period. Its very likely these crypts' leaves will resurface. When they do, they are a hardy fool proof plant perfect for the mid ground of any aquascape!
3. Java Moss
If you're like me, you love those fluffy stem plants but you can't seem to stop them from withering under your care, Java moss is an excellent replacement. With next to zero light requirements, java moss will spread whether you want it to or not. Like anubias, java moss prefers to be tucked into corners and not planted under the substrate. This makes java moss the perfect candidate for moss wall or moss trees.